Jul 28, 2017
Why aren’t the Millenials more engaged in the political process. They are not show up at the polls but always has an opinion on how things “should be done”. Where are we missing the boat when it comes to millennials being more engaged citizens? TN Young Democrats President, London Lamar visits the crew and...
Jul 25, 2017
Topic: “The House approved “Trumpcare” (AHCA) and now its left to the Senate”
The American Healthcare Act of 2017 has been described as a tax cut for the rich (Buffett ), A Republican Scarlett Letter (Pelosi), and “A Nightmare” (Garcetti). Has our government discarded our Old, Sick and Poor?
Our Guests:
Jul 21, 2017
Dr. Charles Steele visits Funky Politics to discuss today’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference, its work and what we must do as a country and as a people to survive and grow economically. D.C. with guest co-host, Luther Mercer, Atty, ask Dr. Steele some very tough questions regarding the work of SCLC and why...
Jul 10, 2017
Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota police officer who fatally shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop was acquitted on all charges by a jury Friday, a decision that came nearly a year after the encounter was partially streamed online to a rapt nation in the midst of a painful reckoning over shootings by law...
Jul 5, 2017
[ Click on the Image to Listen ] Funky Politics Radio | June 10, 2017
Great Politics Great Music Great Fun…Did We Mention Great Politics!!! Enjoy…