Mar 26, 2019
Tosha, MD and DC visit with the Executive Director of the education advocacy organization, Memphis Lift, Sarah Carpenter.
Topics Covered:
Mar 21, 2019
Tosha, MD and DC get loose and FUNKY on the College Admissions Cheating Scandal and Paul Manafort.
Mar 21, 2019
Tosha, MD and DC visit with the new Public Information Officer for the Shelby County Sheriff's Department, where the 1st African-American Sheriff in Shelby County's history was recently elected.
Topics Covered:
Juvenile justice
Law Enforcement Recruitment
The 1st Black Elected Sheriff
Mar 19, 2019
MD and Lee Eric Smith visit with Human and Civil Rights Activist, Motivational Speaker, Dr. David Molapo of South Africa and the I CAN Foundation.
Topics Covered:
Mar 19, 2019
DC, MD and Tosha visit with music producer and cultural change agent, James "IMAKEMADBEATS" Dukes. This conversation gets extremely FUNKY as it touches on Memphis' relationship with its youth and current culture products. An alarming revelation on why many of the city's most talented leave and never return.